Deck Engineering have extensive Mechanical Engineering experience that can bring measurable value to your project. With years of experience bringing designs to life for satisfied clients in the fields of Oil & Gas, Offshore, Marine, and Machine-building industries, our team of experts will work with you to realise your end goals.

Mechanical Engineering services at DECK

Our aim is to support your engineering projects by providing a professional service. We take the time to listen to your requirements, then get to work creating a bespoke service to meet those demands. Services we offer include:
  • Initial Concept design: Our team of Product Design Engineers will work with you to gather ideas together. Through continuous feedback and refinements, our visuals will bring your ideas to life.
  • 3D CAD modelling and simulation: From concept, our Design Engineers will create 3D models using the design, simulation, and rendering features of SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor software. 
  • Detailed 2D Engineering drawings: Our Mechanical and Design Engineers work together at DECK engineering to draft accurate 2D engineering drawings of your products, using extensive DFMA skills.
  • Detailed 2D Engineering drawings: We will carry out relevant structural, or engineering calculations for any drive systems (hydraulic or electric), friction coefficients and power transmission, to help maximise your design.
  • FMEA analysis: When it comes to equipment and structures, it’s critical to ensure your design is right before manufacture. DECK Engineers use FMEA skills to verify critical aspects of your design.
  • Lifespan evaluation: We create durable products that withstand harsh conditions. Our lifespan calculations and fatigue life analysis will help give us better insights into your product.

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